Does anyone believe in prophecy readings at church?? pls answer?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
I was invited by a close friend of mine to this place. Its a church but the place is not an actual church setting. Seems more like a building and some services are given in a hotel. The people of the church claim that God speaks to them and that they are able to rely the message to me. So i sat down after service someone came behind me and said that God is going to speak to them. They spoke to me as if they were God. Saying my child i am here for you..They told me all these things like what i go through and what to except in the near future. They spoke about my family. I was a little skeptical because i wanted to know how can God speak to them and not me. I read that it can be a scam. And i read that no one can hear God speak to them. Who are they to tell me what God is saying. I also read that God doesn't pick just anyone to give prophecies. Everyone sins and you should be pure. Why would God be ok with sending a message through someone who is a possible sinner. I don't know i was just worried. IVe been going to that church and im thinking of stopping. My last reading wasn't accurate and seemed to be unreal. Can someone help. Someone who has experience and who has great knowledge about this. Thanks!
My question is has someone been to a church like this. Do you believe that someone can receive messages from god then rely it to another individual. ??? And if its a scam can someone tell me how.