Does anybody else laugh as hard as I do when I look at the Republican field?

They're even shooting Newt up in the polls. Do Repubs not know he's more liberal than Romney? He may not be Mormon, but he's changed his religion more times than Madonna, let own spouses.
Well I don't know how hard you laugh when you look at the Republican field, but I bet I laugh harder when I look at the huge mess that's known as the Boston Red Sox.
Check out the link

BOTH the Donkey & Elephant are a JOKE!

only when are we the people going to stop laughing and
evict them from Washington D.C.?
Yes! It's hard not to laugh when you become so joyful that at last Obama will be unemployed like all the people he has helped out of jobs during his administration. He can inherit joblessness. He can blame George Bush for that, too. No one wants to point out that the emperor is wearing no clothes, but I will. He is looking rather ridiculous right now, putting off making a decision for purely political reasons on a pipeline that would create hundreds of thousands of jobs.
no, i'm ashamed.
Cain is so disrespectful of women.
Bachmann wants to kick out non closet homosexuals from the military.
Perry blubbers
Santorum is too concerned about the nations Christianity
Paul want to overturn all civil right laws.
Romney. he's Mormon. I got nothing on him. him or huntsman.
Makes you pee in your pants,doesn't it? It's better than going to the circus.There's more clowns.
I agree, and to make it even funnier, the right-wingers on this site think they're going to win and that the Democrats are afraid of these clowns!
The entire country is having a laugh at the expense of Republicans.

I guess they're good for something after all.
Only when I think about the fact that, as bad as they are, Democrats actually think Bumbling Barry has a chance.
I used to laugh so hard I had stomach ache. Now, I just try to avoid watching and listening to the likes of Perry, Bachmann and Cain.
I feel bad for them. I really wish they did have someone amazing to represent them.
The real tragedy is amongst the circus is the best candidate for we the people , Ron Paul .