Does a burmese cat cause the same allergic reaction as a siamese cat?


New member
Sep 17, 2009
I used to have a burmese/siamese mix cat when i was younger and i don't remember having allergies to it, but now that im older i feel like ive developed an allergy to cats, not severe, but if i pet one and then somehow rub my eyes then they itch non-stop and if i lay down on a pillow or furniture with cat hair on it then my eyes itch, but that's about it...

im looking to buy a cat (a cheap one) and ive heard that a siamese cat doesn't cause as much of an allergic reaction as other cats, but im wondering if the burmese does the same. im wondering if a burmese causes less of an allergic reaction as well.

i already know of the genetically breeded "hypo-allergenic cat" but that goes for like tens of thousands of dollars now. im looking to find one that is a commonly found cat that causes less reaction.

Also, if there are others other than the siamese and burmese that have the same reaction, please let me know. I really would rather not have to wash my hands everytime i pet my cat.

I'm also aware of the HEPA filters... just fyi.