Dodgers’ Matt Kemp chats up Joe Montana before striking out


Jun 17, 2007

Moments before Los Angeles Dodgers slugger Matt Kemp came to bat in the eighth inning Monday night, a spectator near the visitor's on-deck circle at AT&T Park lured him over for a brief conversation.

Not just any spectator, either. And no, it wasn't the Leslie Nielsen zombie doppelganger* on the left side of the photo above, trying to pat down all of the players as a safety precaution like he was some kind of Enrico Pallazzo.

It was Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana who, with his wife, Jennifer, were watching Kemp's club fall 5-0 to their top rivals, the San Francisco Giants.

The exchange gave Dodgers' broadcaster Vin Scully a chance to wax poetic about Montana's career, specifically his iconic touchdown pass to Dwight Clark in the NFC Championship in 1982 (which Scully called for CBS).

So, what did Montana say to Kemp? As (presumably) a Giants fan, was he heckling him? As Scully noted, whatever it was didn't help Kemp: Ramon Ramirez struck him out on three pitches.

Some speculate that Montana was playfully chiding Kemp for going pro in the wrong sport; after all, Kemp ran a great pattern to rob Andres Torres of extra bases in the fifth inning. Jerry Rice (or Clark) would envy Kemp's precision.

Watch Montana and Kemp gab it up and try to read Montana's lips:

Montana does appear to be complimenting Kemp on his catch, possibly saying "You should have played football."


</p> (As a side note, Mrs. Montana is even better looking than she was when she met Joe on the set of a Shick commercial way back when.)


Well, Montana's buttering up worked. Kemp was no match for Ramirez after chatting up the QB.


Maybe next time, Kemp will stay in the on-deck circle. Or wait for Steve Young to engage him.

Big BLS h/t: ESPN's Beto Duran

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