Do youre parents get mad if you talk to a military recruiter?

yeah i deff won't have the swimming training done thats for sure.. all i got is a neighborhood pool i never go to lol

but. you're "supposed" to be?.. so you signed up for that but they don't need them so they put you somewhere else or its still up in the air lol?

and yeah thats true all those PT excersises back to back is holy crap hard
Basically it was filled so the new jobs are being released and all my papers are in so as soon as they are out Im supposed to get that. He said I have a 99.9% chance that I will get it but who knows.
x2 I haven't heard of a single person get in trouble for underage drinking unless they were doing something stupid with it. My friend's in Korea right now and they drink all the time.
the recruiter said you have a 99.9% chance?

if it wasnt in writing, its a lie

edit: me and a friend are thinkin about enlisting through the 'buddy program'.. we're talkin to a recruiter today.. i dont really want/need too but he called me last night (recruiter) and said he was already talkin to my friend so we're both just gonna go
I know plenty about the lies. I really don't care as long as Im not stuck with something like combat photographers or cook.

Also my recruiter hasn't really lied to me about anything. He's the most laid back recruiter i've ever met. Every time I went in there before I signed he said you don't have to. Told me I can wait until July to sign papers so I know Im locked into the Vehicle/Equipment repair and all the other shit.

His idea was Every recruiter is sterotyped as a liar, do what ever to get you to join, rush them into making decision, so he does the oppisite. He won't just walk up to kids and tell them they should think about the Marine Corps and give them his card. He doesn't constantly call if you're not interested most of all he won't make any promises at all. He was very straight forward about everything. He even told me when he first started recruiting he was pushy like that, and got very negative feedback, the more he lightened up the better feedback he had, and more people respected him.
Nah, because I persuaded my parents that it's all right because the USMC gives free ps3's to its recruits.
If you possesed any shread of knowledge on this topic you would know that "Special Forces" refers specifically to Army Special Forces (the "Green Berets"). There are also many more Special Operations Groups than those that you listed.
Squirrel Master;48430364']no, but my parents get mad when I use the word "you're" instead of "your"
OHHH.. that's right.. i left out 'operations'.. sorry lol

and yeah i know there are more spec ops forces out there i just dont know them/they aren't as well known
Why don't you... go to college, then become an officer. You'll probably see combat (after all they have to lead troops in combat), you'll get higher pay, everything is pretty much nicer for an officer than an enlisted.
No. I have no interest in joining the military and they know that. They'd be fine with it though, my dad's a colonel in the air force.
i got like seven calls a week to join... I asked if it was ok if i was a flaming homosexual. they said um... and they never called back.
most of my conversations with recruiters went like this in high school

"hey what're you doing after high school"
"joining the
"haha, really?"
"na, sorry, but i'm not interested"

When recruiters would approach me and ask me what I was gong to do in my life I told them I was going to get a real job and make decisions on my own.
Well seeing as my mom knew I wanted to be a Marine since I was 4 she saw tis coming. She was freaking out cuz she thought I was going in right after HS. But Im going to go to college, go to OCS and become a Marine infantry officer. She is fine but she know its no use. I know what im getting into, and she knows that.

About 2 months ago I was looking at some majors for college and she asked me why a lot of them were semi desk jobs. I said because if im going to be going on the path I have set I must be prepared for the worse. She was like what? I said mom IEDs arnt going away any time soon, I rather not try to get a job that requires me to be highly mobile. She started crying a little bit, and after that she has never questioned if this is what I really want. She knows it is.

I say u should go to college tho

edit: dont listen to ST, its full of pacifist pussys that think of them selfs only.
Well, you said your going talk to a MARINES recruiter, of course she's worried. They always get shot first.

I talked to my Navy recruiter yesterday and he was all into getting me started and shit. They are really pushy. My mom is fairly cool with me doing it. The navy is pretty safe and starts out with decent money.