Do you think there will ever be a conclusion to the struggle between...


New member
May 14, 2008
...religion and atheism? First of all, I'm not saying or asking about which belief system is right or wrong. I don't want to challenge or question anyone's beliefs. Let's just set them aside for a moment.

I just want to know if you think that this struggle will ever be resolved one way or the other. Will there ever be universal belief in religion or atheism?
I'm sorry, but atheism is not a religion. A religion is a intentionally shared set of beliefs, whereas atheism is simply a coincidentally shared lack of supernatural beliefs. It's like saying black is a colour, whereas it's actually just the absence of all colour.
As long as there are differing points of view, this will be going on. Whether the struggle reaches a conclusion is up to the Atheists and the Christians.
What do you mean *between* religion and atheism?

Atheism *is* a religion. It is a belief system. And you need a mightly strong faith to think the universe came into existence from nothing, with no cause.