do you think the rumor of mccain is petty?

Like I said before the Media is going to hound McCain blow every microscopic issue out of proportion. They overwhelmingly & openly support Obama, even if he just shook hands with her & smiled too much they would make the accusation because he has to focus on defending himself instead of going after Obama on the important issues.
Obama has been accused of much worse Cocain abuse, male blow jobs, attacthed to a radical racist church, but the media has totaly ignored it.
The next 9 months is going to be an on going smokes & mirrors attack by the liberal media to keep the focus of Obama's lack of experience & liberals views.
Like I said before the Media is going to hound McCain blow every microscopic issue out of proportion. They overwhelmingly & openly support Obama, even if he just shook hands with her & smiled too much they would make the accusation because he has to focus on defending himself instead of going after Obama on the important issues.
Obama has been accused of much worse Cocain abuse, male blow jobs, attacthed to a radical racist church, but the media has totaly ignored it.
The next 9 months is going to be an on going smokes & mirrors attack by the liberal media to keep the focus of Obama's lack of experience & liberals views.
i hope mccain doesn't become president iono why i dont like him i just don't something rubs me the wrong way you know what i mean.....just a feeling
It is petty but I think it was started by Huckabee. .I'm wondering why it makes a difference so many years later I personally could care less who he slept with or if he slept with her. Using his influence though is another story altogether. I wonder though why can't the candidates run on merit and stop all the mud slinging its like small kids on the playground.
"my daddy is better than your daddy."