Do you think that this story sounds good?


New member
Sep 18, 2011
Well this is gonna be the end of my story, and yeah it will make you cry if you have read through it and seen what has happened. So just think about that. Anyway, do you think it sounds good? Heres the very last paragraph.
I looked down onto her dead body, the cold wind brewe across my mild face and made my fur wiffle through the wind. Emilys body lay there in her own blood as well as mine..What have I done...She was such a nice girl, she had beutiful children and a caring husband. Them of whom can never hear her voice again.There faces cried loud in my head, when will they come home and see what I have done? I sat down, as the red blood stains coloured my fur purple-brown. I didn't care. She was gone and never coming back. She would never be in heaven, nor hell...I could never even say her name again. Her face was looking at a family portrait as a tear started to roll down my tampered fur. I regreted ever meeting her, she could of lived a happy life if I were not here. I looked down onto her eyes and stared deep, thinking about what life would be like with out her. Thinking about her childrens faces as they came home hoping for a kiss ad a hug from there mummy.. Alessio coming home seeing the love of is love laying dead, swallowed in her own blood. I shouldn't hide it from them to search for her body, that would be.. Just not right. I have caused her so much pain in her life, I should of just left her in peace..Not killing her, that was too far ahead. I cried a little, the first few tears I have sprouted in 300 years fell into her cold body. I leant against her ear, and whispered
"Sorry..For doing this. For meeting you, after everything we have done you said that I would get what was coming to me. I did, and I am, I am getting pain. I know that I would of said I deserve it by now, but no. No one deserves pain like this, not ever. If anyone changed me into what and who I really were, it was you. You made me a part of humanity, you bought me into this wonderful world of mystical creatures and fearful monsters. You, truly were my mother...If anyone was. With, or with out you, I shall never forget what great beliefs and horrors you have bought to my mind. You are everything, may you now, finally, be in peace."
I Cried as I walked away for the last time. I closed the door for the last time. I said goodbye, for the final time.

R.I.P Emily Emotiney, the best mother anyone could of ever wanted, and a loving Wife, Auntie, and anything that she could be. May she be in peace now, always laying i our hearts and souls, never forgotten
Sorry about the spelling and Grammer, I am but a 14 year old girl, and this was just a last minute thing to finish my story. I just wanted to make sure that you find it at least a little sad and emotional. No, this is not true for it is based on a vampire spirit that has to watch Emily grow old, have children, dream and have nightmares. All of the things that she cannot do.
I think it's really good, the only thing is like spelling errors and a couple grammar errors. But, I have to know, this isn't true, right? ;)
How can anyone tell if a story is good by reading the last paragraph?

It's very possible that no one will want to read this far if the *beginning* of your story doesn't draw them in.