Do you think that the original Passover was a type of prophecy for


Jul 15, 2008
Christian communion? The healing quality of the flesh (with his stripes, ye were healed):
Psalm 105
36 He smote also all the firstborn in their land, the chief of all their strength. 37 He brought them forth also with silver and gold: --->and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.<---

And the blood for escaping the wrath of God:
Exodus 12:23
For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.

Hebrews 13:12
Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.
No. The Passover is a mythical event, which proves beyond a shadow of doubt that God does not exist.
"During the period of the Exodus in Ancient Egypt, the lamb was deified and worshiped as a god. By Egyptian law, it was therefore forbidden to harm a lamb in any way; such an act was considered a crime punishable by death."

"For this reason, Moses refused Pharaoh's initial offer that the Jews bring their sacrifice to God while remaining in Egypt, following the third plague of lice. Moses explained to Pharaoh that it would be impossible for his people to sacrifice these animals in this land because the Egyptians would execute us for carrying out this ceremony (Exodus 8:25-26)."

"The Almighty, therefore, tested the faithfulness of the Jewish people by commanding them to kill Egypt's cherished god, and place the lamb's blood on their doorposts, displayed for all of their neighbors to see. Only those Israelites who, like Abraham, demonstrated that they feared nothing but the God of Israel were deemed worthy to have their homes "passed over" during the tenth and final plague."
As a Jew, no. And I find the idea somewhat offensive, like Christians are trying to hijack one of our most important holy days, which really has nothing to do with Jesus at all.