Do you think God smokes weed?


Active member
May 11, 2008
He invented it, and everything in his image is beautiful and has a purpose. I think he does. It's just that the government is corrupt and has added this spin on what's right and what's wrong.

Where in the Bible does it say that smoking weed is immoral? Nowhere. Yet smoking weed is banned, and gay marriage in some states isn't.
I'm atheist, and I smoke weed. There's nothing wrong with gay marriage. If there was a God, it would make no sense for someone who is supposed to be so loving to say something that makes people happy is wrong.
Emm hello weed is a drug, in many cases it causes havoc and disturbance to families! That's why it is banned in some states also have you eever looked at someone who smokes weed like really why do you want to make yourself look marriage does not ruin families it is to people showing their love for one and other yes many people do dissagree with it but who's to say its wrong. If you were gay then would you want some1 else saying who you can and can't marry? I think that statement uve made is very one sided and narrow minded. God of course does not smoke weed if he did and wanted us to it would only have positive effects!
It's because too many other countries make money off it here, whether it be clothing, or smoked.

And because of the effects, although I can't stand walking into a store and seeing a aisle devoted to alcohol, yet weed is illegal.
no where in the bible does it say smoking weed is immoral. The bible doesn't say jumping infront of a car won't kill you, does that mean you wont die?

coming from a former pothead (myself), i know that you asked this question because you want to hear"OH YEAH FUCK THE GOVERNEMENT, weed is an herb , and pure".

weed is an herb, and god did create it. but god didn't tell anyone you could burn something inhale it, and nothing won't happen.Man told people that. i smoked marijuana for 8 years, and i can tell you right now, weed will have it affects on you. If your gonna toke, keep tokin kid, thats YOUR choice.

But quit Asking these questions so other pothead's can tell you how safe it is to smoke. Just like me and you, There kidding themeselves!
take responsibility for your actions . The bible Also says to stay sober. Do you smoke weed without getting high? There is nothing wrong with god's creations, just how us humans use them.
Um no...God doesn't smoke weed, he doesn't need to, because he's not human. That being said, in the bible it does say that everything He created was good, and I believe that includes weed. You don't have to add any chemicals to weed or alter it in any way from its natural form. So by logic...IF smoking weed is a sin, then smoking cigarettes would also be a sin.