Do you think Cain will listen to what God tells him in the future,


New member
Dec 12, 2010
considering the embarrassment he is now? experiencing with all the sexual molestation stories surfacing? What do you think God had in mind for Cane when he gave him the advice to run for President?

ATLANTA (AP) — Republican Herman Cain said God convinced him to enter the race for president, comparing himself to Moses: "'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?
Look l do not know Cain so l can't speak for him but l have been in the position where a lady was trying to set me up for a sexual harassment suit more then one time. Why only Gods knows but what la trying to say it is not just the guys thing it is sometimes ladies looking to make a quick buck at somebodies expense too.
You seem to have confused him with what happened at Penn State.

He has not been accused of sexual molestation.

You have the wrong man.
I don't know much about this as I'm from UK.
However - if this man is abusing people sexually it suggests
he may be a liar.
So what are the chances he lied when he said God told him to run for president?
Pretty high I assume.
It's a good way to get votes though I guess.

I seriously doubt that any man that follows God could be an efficient president....psml
If you don't know the difference between harassment and molestation, you might do well to not cast stones.

[edit: If you mean to accuse that something more than sexual harassment happened to these women, by not saying THAT, and by infantilizing them (calling rape or sexual assault "molestation") you are belittling the women, suggesting you have confused the issue with Penn State, devaluing yourself as a person knowledgeable enough to make an opinion and making Cain's complete political ignorance a non-issue so we can argue about trivia that benefits him in the long run.

Then you add God to the mix, so that all religious folks can look as ignorant, anti-feminist and self-sabotaging as you are presenting yourself.

Are you sure you want to ask this question this way?]
Mr. Cain is not ready to be president and it has nothing to do with any god. The man knows nothing about foreign policy - he didn't even know the Chinese have had nuclear weapons for 50 years. You can only go around saying things were taken "out of context" for so long before your ignorance starts showing. By the way, I believe that he believes that he never did anything inappropriate with women, only because he wouldn't recognize the inappropriateness of certain situations. I think he probably acted like a pig and didn't even know that he was acting like a pig.
Cain is an idiot. First he gets charges of sexual misconduct, and then the "not so bright guy" is caught on tape by a reporter making jokes about Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. Then he pulls the "God card". To think people actually consider this man as a viable Presidential candidate is really scary.