Do you see 17 grand slams won by Roger Federer is breakable or not ?


New member
Nov 13, 2011
i mean Roger Federer as a legend has achieved 17 grand slams in his tennis career , can this number be broken or achieved by Novac or Murray or Nadal or any coming tennis player or can not be according to your point , specially as i think Roger is facing many difficulties to make this number more bigger and unreachable
Roger Federer is a great champion, a great player but he has to add to his collection of 17 majors or else his record will be broken if he doesnt add to his total. its by no means safe.

I dont think Murray will get any way near his, record Djokovic can get to 11-12 but wont break this record.

HoweverRoger Federers record is under immediate threat from Nadal who already owns 11 majors and is still not even 27, if Nadal stays fit he can break this record. A lot of people believe that Nadal will break Federers record for example David Ferrer has said that his compatriot Rafael Nadal will eventually have the most Grand Slam victories of all time surpassing Federers total of 17. If Federer continues to add to his total Nadal will be chasing a moving target in which case it will become very tough for Nadal to break this record, but the way federer has played in last few years he seems to be on an irreversible decline and dont think he will add too much to his total of 17 majors. If Federer doesnt add to total and Nadal knee injury doesnt bother him again Federers record is in real danger.
Ken Rosewall 23, Rod Laver 20, Pancho Gonzales 17, Roger Federer 17. Murray won't get to 17 he is already 25 and he only has one so far. Nadal won't stick around long enough he will play another 4-5 years and probably won't win six in that time. Djokvoic is also 25 and needing 11 titles to hit 17, so unlikely. 17 is very reachable and may be reached by a current player, I doubt it though since the field is way tougher than it was when Federer broke out.
EDIT: When you have to eliminate 90 years of tennis from the equation in order to justify Federer as "the greatest" that says a lot.
Soon it will be 18 majors. I believe Federer will win a Wimbledon this year.

Rafa will probably win 14-15 majors.

Djokovic will probably win 10-11 majors.

Murray will probably win 3-4 majors.

I see know one beating Federers record. No offense to players who were pre-open are, but there results holds less meaning. Post open era results only matter.
Even Roger Federer knows that his record of 17 majors isn't safe . . . ever wonder why at the spry old age of 31 he still plays a full schedule? Federer is a champion of the highest pedigree . . . he isn't much interested in being the best of his time, he is only interested in being The Best of All Time!

If you listen carefully, you might hear the pratfall of the thunderous feet behind him running to catch up with him once he retires . . . Rafael Nadal with his 11 majors is primed and ready to steal the mantle of GOAT from King Federer. Rafa is five years younger and currently picking up majors at a record pace, he has acquired at least one major each year for eight consecutive years. Nadal's clay court prowess has earned him 7 majors and counting! His Achilles Heel, though is his knees but if he can manage to hang around just five years past Federer, he's got the best shot!

As far as Djokovic is concerned, he currently has 6 majors but the Australian Open is only played once a year and the level of current competition makes it hard to believe that he will dominate again the way he did in 2011.

It's way too soon to speak of Andy Murray (& lesser players) with only one major at the US Open . . . all he has is the Grand Slam Starter Kit.