Do you need to wear a helmet for skateboarding if you're just cruising?


May 12, 2008
If I'm just cruising with my friends while skating and not doing any tricks or flips or that stuff do I still need to wear a helmet? It's just casual skating on asphalt streets.

Certainly you are less likely to have an accident but don't mistake less likely with unlikely.

It only takes one mistake to split your skull open......and the pavement don't care if you were doing tricks or not.
Legally, yes. You'd just have to be sure you aren't caught not wearing it. All it takes is one undercover police officer to be passing by to get you ticketed. Besides, it IS for your own safety. :)
the only thing a helmet will every really do for you is keep you from getting a big bump on your head. otherwise, it's kind of useless except as a heavy plastic hat.

but i would say no, you really dont need a helmet for cruising anyways.
I never see anyone wear a helmet I mean it's up to you honestly. If it makes you feel sefer wear it but, if you think your good enough to not wear it don't. Just be careful because I know a kid a few years back who was skateboarding and he got hit by a car and died so it might be a good idea too.
I would say yes at wearing a helmet at all times because you never know what could happen and a student at my school just died from a skateboard accident.