Do you like the way this paragraph reads?


New member
Sep 7, 2008
(If 'HP Wombat' happens upon this, thank you for your assistance!)

You asked if I am a writer, and to be quite honest, I don't have a simple answer. I feel like a true writer when I observe life. Life contains so much essence that sometimes, it becomes overwhelming to absorb it all. It's exciting to study new ways of discovering who I am and taking advantage of the opportunities I have been given – Reading literature has become a part of that self-discovery. To me, it’s fascinating that we each reside in the same physical world, but hold such varied and unique perceptions. I’ve really aspired to grow the skills needed to express my own perceptions through fiction. Fiction is a mirror of reality – I tend to see real people reflected in fictional characters and circumstances. I have always struggled with that aspect of my own writing, as it often fails to reflect the honesty of life. Your creativity is boundless. Do believe visualizing stories is an innate gift, or is it something that can be learned? When did you discover that writing was your passion?