Do you know there's a religion based off Twilight called Cullenism?

omfg there is?? no im seriously shocked. . . Gawd! who the faq would worship a friggin fictional character? does Smeyer even know about this? I swear I have pretty much lost my faith in sanity and humankind. . .fuq dis I'm movin to mars
Thats like my religion, Pokemism We believe that the world will go into complete chaos when natural disasters occur and a swarm of charizards will come and save the believers. when this happens the charizards will take us to their planet filled with pokemon in which the chosen one will team up with the legendary yellow lightning rat to save the new planet from a evil force Mewtwo.

When we go to our poke-church we sing this
Mankind? Don't lump me in with these people!
Its not a religion, its something emo kids say hoping their parents won't make them go to church. Its a fan club that takes itself far too seriously and should die out in a few years when its members graduate junior high. It would be like if I started Garfieldism and made prayer offerings to pans of lasagna. Meaningless.
Ugh, that's really sickening. It's just a movie for sensibility's sake!!!

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