Do you know any jokes about food or about liars?


New member
Oct 8, 2008
Like any about a food??

Or any about a liar. like "what did the liar say hwne he was introuble? nothing" <--- that was an EXAMPLE.

But yeah, thanks to all answers! the one that makes me laugh the most will get 10 points. I wish I could give ALL of the good answers 10 points :D :D :D
So an old guy walks into a diner and sees a young guy with a bowl of chili sitting in front of him but the young man has a sad look on his face. The old man asks aren't ya gonna eat that and the young man tell the old guy to go ahead and eat it. So the old guy eats some, then he sees a dead rat in the bottom of the bowl and pukes it all back in the bowl and notices it doesn't look any different. Then the young man says ya thats how far I got too.

Why does the seagull fly over the sea
If he flew over the bay he'd be a baygu

What did the daddy tomato do to the baby tomato when he kepy falling behind when they were walking
He stepped on the little tomoato and said Ketchup
I got a good mama Joke here and there they goes like this
1)Your mom is so fat when she goes to a resturant, they don't give her a bill they give her an estimate
2)Your mom is so big everytime she turns around, everyone Screams HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
3) Tell people your on the SeeFood Diet, everytime you See food, you Eat it, my teacher told me that one I laughted so hard when I 1st heard that 1.
Hope this give ya a laugh or 2
Also Here's a good clip for a food check this out your guarentee to laugh