Do you have the hots for anyone on TSR?

lol just cause a girl is hot doesn't mean she's a bitch!

same way as that 'fat' girls are always called 'funny'

ohh yeah.. that's 20 stone girl, she's ermm, she's got a good sense of humour!
I guess people don't put pictures up because most people sign up for revision (Like me...) but then we all get dragged into late-night heated conversations... I even have an exam tomorrow morning! :|

I only put a picture up on my profile because I like people to know who they are talking to :p:.
Wait till you get to 25. I feel ancient on here. That doesn't stop me perving over 18 year old profile pics though :yep:
Hot ihav men:

* Dann :love:

* Artemidoros :drool:

* Johans90 :kiss:

* adamstaple :kiss2:

All really fit in my opinion. Dann shall always remain my favourite, though I don't think he knows that I exist really.


* Reflexive. :blush:
It's alright for guys to fancy younger girls though?

I'd feel weird getting with someone younger than me.
Just looked at your profile picture, you look very determined to do if your gonna do something crazy.:(
PROVE IT! no but i said, could be a right bitch. NOT is most defintly a right bitch because there smoking hot. but 20 stone girls are sexy and fun. thats a fact. and there are 9 million bicycles in beijing.
Yeah I guess so, I always just used this site as a guest but stupidly signed up and got sucked into the world of ihav when I should be revising...

I think (although you should not judge someone purely on looks) it makes people feel more like they know the kind of person they're talking to with a picture up, i.e. their style etc

But more people should have pics

Lol... I can imagine, you must get so much attention from girls because of your pic.

I put mine up so people could know who they were talking to, but you kind of leave yourself open to abuse.. I got called fat twice today.. contemplating taking it off lol..
Same, exactly. I agree with all of that except the 'exam tomorrow' bit. My next one's the day after. :yep: I signed up to find out whether or not people had offers yet from the unis I'd applied to, and got a bit addicted.