Do you have different hug styles for different people?

I'm a girl... and it's scary how close your hugs are to mine. Except sometimes when it's the guy I like I hug him over the shoulders, so I can kiss him :)
haha i lyk johnb693"s answer ;) thats uh good one...but um yea i have special hugs for special ppl in my life butttttttt i usually don't hug guys unless they r very very close friends of the family...i save my hugs for my man ;) but lyk me and my girls yea we hugg all the time its just uh girl thang lol
Definitely, like he mems, friends pretty much have the same hug. Then there is the hug you give your lover/mate...that's the one I like the best!
i dont like hugging people except for my bf. just cause i dont like physical contact. even with people i know. haha but if i hug a guy i dont like i give a lazy sloppy half hug with one arm. haha
Well obviously, im a girl. Lol. And yes, i do give hugs differently to everyone. My favorite hug is the one where the guy squeezes me around the waist. :)
haha your over thinking this way too much! :)

If you like someone and you know them well you will hug them gently and perhaps kiss their cheek. If they are friends you can hug them warmly and kiss or not kiss.

If you really like someone and know them rarely you dont hug until you know them better

If its a FUGLY Chic, I Hug high and keep my face very far from her lips, If its a hott chic i squeeze tight low on her and kiss on the cheek as close to the lips i can.

I dont hug dudes..
I'm a 14 year old girl. I have different hugs depending on gender and my relationship with that person. My favorite hug to get is from a guy. I put my arms under his and hug his torso. I feel safe when i hug guys like this... ;)
i love giving people full on hugs with my arms under theirs, elbows pointing down and hands pointing up :3 but i only do that to guys i like And i squeeze a little :]
The sexual (for that type of relationship) vs. the nonsexual for most others, except I don't hug men unless we're very close.

In the first all body parts touch; in the second only the head and shoulders touch.
im a girl so whe i hug my boyfriend i have my arms round his waist.And squeese him a tin bit,unless its a hot day its just a loose hug.lasts around 7 seconds.depending if people like family are around.
my friends i dont hug them.
and family is sort of like one arm over the shoulder and one down near the waist.loosly and then let go last about 4 seconds
Hi! yea I have different hug styles for different people i guess, it really just depends on what are status is! for example: Best friend= bone crushing hug, and for anyone I don't know as well, just a light hug. Favorite hug to get would probably be a hug around the shoulders sorta... female, btw