Do you have a job?


New member
May 19, 2008
so ST, do you have a job?

Where? Do you like it?

I work at a marina, not bad i guess. Im by the water all day.

Perfect job: lulzapalooza..
yes, i work at disney world during the summer. its fun. i get to do all kinds of crap. sometimes i get to take pictures. other times i work a these pin trading stations. Once and awhile i get to make sure people are strapped on tightly in their seats so little 12 year olds dont go flying of roller coasters and are unable to post spam in ST ever again
Had a job at kfc but, they changed the schedual up on me and I didn't realize it, and I don't work there any more, I'm going to try and get a job with one of my friends somewhere or maybe go back to chicfila when my brother quits.
Quit my last one, going Monday to get a new one.

So currently, Nope. Im'a sittin on mah ass's. Getting really lame.
I stock produce at Acme. Shit's easy as hell and I usually don't have any work to do for like 25%-40% of the time I'm scheduled.