Do you give hobos money?

OMG, Was this guy in San Francisco? Cause I got a picture with that guy.

I only give money to hobos before dawn or after sunset cause I don't want to be stabbed over a quarter. I see it more as a toll. Although one time earlier this year I give like a quarter to a hobo at the 7-11 and I saw him go in and buy a six pack paying with all change. I'm just like wtf, I'm right here.

I usually try to give food if I have any. One time I gave this hobo some of my fries and he's like, "I want money" and i'm just like, "i'll give some tomorrow" assuming I'd never see him again. The next day I gave him fries again and he's like, "you promised money".

I have a lot of run-ins with hobos cause I walk 2 miles home from work in Chicago.
Not normally because they just use it on drugs and booze so fuck them. I did this one time, because the guy was completely insane and was making me lul so I gave him a quarter.
I went to CA to look at colleges and while at one of the piers, I gave one black hobo a dollar because he was nice to everyone who walked by, said, "God bless you," etc. All of the white hobos there were angry and were just like, "Gimme money," and the black ones were actually very nice and polite. It was strange. Oh, and I gave another black hobo some cash because he was sitting by the streetcar line playing the harmonica for everyone waiting.
If i was a hobo, i would make hobo shanks, and sell them. Seriously, who wouldn't buy a fucking hobo shank if presented the chance.

I'm a business hobo.
Yes, what the fuck else to you think we do when people don't give us enough money to get drunk.
i never give them money. I work in downtown chicago so i see them all the time. On my last day of work I was gonna give one my gym shoes cause they were all ripped up but I didn't have my workboots in the truck with me.
This one homeless person walked up to me and a group of my friends in Philly and just walked right in the middle of us and goes. "Alright Alright, yea were doing good here. Ya see I got no food to eat and no home" .... he was holding a fucking banana. Lier. So then I walked away.