Do you give hobos money?


New member
May 20, 2008
I was walking to a baseball game (Detroit vs Baltimore) and there were hobos all over the place figuring there'd be some people there to mooch off of. I didn't give any of them money except one guy cause he was cool. A few people I noticed would stop and give like every damn hobo $5 and I was like...WTF?

TL;DR Do you give hobos money?
i had a homeless guy ask me for money once. i gave him a five and he left. that's the only time i've been confronted by this. what's wrong with giving someone who has nothing a little something?
I know this girl and her mom just like looks for hobos to help them.
And my dads friend picked one up one night and took him for a few beers and he said the guy had lots of really cool stories.
I once threw like 5 bucks in change at one hobo.
I felt bad because I'm sure it hurt and he had to pick it all up, but then I realized he worked for the money and it was all fair.
not normally, most of the time you pull your wallet out to hand them a dollor and they just take your whole wallet and run. cant trust em. but i felt bad when we were walking in downtown and one asked my friend for a cig, and he just kept walking. i stopped for half a step but friend kept going because he didnt understand the guy since he only had half his teeth.
lol, there is a substitute teacher in my school, and when he was a kid, he lived in teh bronx. He told me and my friend about how one time his father was driving him somewhere and his dad ran over a hobo because he thought it was a pile of trash.

True story.