Do you even play paintball?

I used to allot, then the only field i could afford to play at every week closed and i don't much anymore.
Fuck no.

I started playing in like 2001 and played all the way until like Fall of 2005, then quit. So much money wasted that i will never get back.
Lol, one time at school I was wearing my PBN shirt and this girl pointed and was like, "Peanutbutter nation?" Then did the ditsy *tilt your head to the side* and was like "what?"

Peanutbutter nation, you're my blog. And forever will be. Nachos del grande. BAh,
I played from like 01 or so until 04. Still hang around because I like this forum. Its heavily trafficed and relatively entertaining most of the time.
Used to play at least 3 times a week. Haven't played in over a year and a half now though. I certainly do miss playing, but I certainly don't miss paying for it.
I used to a lot. Then it became over-run with so much drama I decided to quit.

Since then, I've lived in ST :nododgy: sadly..
Once a year if I'm lucky. It's way too expensive to keep up for a long time and I have better things to spend money on.
i used to be real into it and go every other week, but i haven't been since march. i sold my expensive equipment for better stuff, but i still have a sypder and some co2 tanks.