Do you eat healthy? Or even try to?

Yes. I eat over 5 servings of fruit and veggies per day along with 8+ glasses of water. I consider multi-grain "sun-chips" and pudding my source of junk-food.

throughout my "whole" life, candy and soda have always been such a repulsive thought and my body's adjusted so that "it" craves certain foods, which are healthful

The real key-Variety, BALANCE and MODERATION

You can eat "junk" just balance your diet and eat in moderate portions along with daily exercise
I've been in the junk food, take-out food phase for like 6 years now. In the past I ate very healthy, exercised and was at a healthy weight. I'm gradually and slowly getting back to a more healthy lifestyle, but I do get stubborn often
I eat junk and I'm in better health then most people that are on diets....I've always been tall and shinny no matter what