Do you believe Christ can transform a life? Have you seen it?

One of the terrific things about Christianity is that when people begin to follow Jesus' teachings :all mighty: their life always improves.
I have faith that Christ is capable of anything. So yes, i absolutely believe He can. I have indeed seen it happen. I have seen a friend of mine, very close to suicide. And long story short, God came through for her and showed her the light.
I hope I helped in answering your question. Answer mine, if you can. Thank you!
yes. he totally transformed my own life, the life of my husband and the life or our son.
No, anyone claiming that a person that died 2000 years prior to their existence "transformed" their life is speaking in perceptual inaccuracy. The fact is that only one person can perpetrate transformation in your life and that is yourself. All of you claiming to have been directly "transformed by Jesus" is speaking of being influenced by a person claiming to speak the words of Jesus, then, being vulnerable to the power of suggestion, were coached to believe it to be a religious experience.
He did my life. I used to drink, cuss, smoke and I lived with my boyfriend for years. I gave it all up and married my boyfriend and I am much happier now than ever before. I could not have done it without Jesus Christ and his father.
I've seen people change their own lives without God. I've even changed things in my life without God as well. So it is possible to take control of YOUR own life.