Do you always feel better after a good laugh?

good laugh, in the sense if i laugh a lot, my stomach starts aching, so how can i feel better? i keep laughing most of the time. even if there is no reason,lol.
nah, it's not always the case with me. sometimes i laugh really hard and then like, a few minutes later have a sudden mood swing.
Yes I do, always...yesterday I had such a good laugh with head hurt, and my stomach was hurting XP...but I didn't care, because I felt happy :). A good laugh makes me feel happy. And I'm almost 100% sure that when you do something you enjoy such as laughing your boyd releases dopamine, and endorphins, and that makes that lasting effect of happiness :).
I never feel worse after a good laugh but often feel good or better than I did. My husband and I share many laughs and that is important to help have a good relationship. We laugh about stupid things, funny things, odd things, nasty things, ordinary things.