Do they make nicotine free dip? or something like that?


New member
Feb 28, 2013
So I'm 16 and I rececntly started dipping. This goes against everything I know because I'm one of the fittest and healthiest people out there. My goals are to become a marine and later a personal trainer. So Im really trying to quit bad habits. The problem is, that I don't really care for the buzz from dip, I just like the way it tastes in my mouth. I was wondering if there's anything like dip that is nicotine free, cause the flavor is all I want. I couldn't find a category for this so anyone that could help me out. Please do so
They do. I use to chew some kind of mint leave snuff that was nicotine free. The company now has a ton of different flavors. See the link I provided below to order some of it.