Do these characters sound alright?


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Jaymie- She's the protagonist, 16 and a junior in High School. For her appearance, She has long brown wavy hair and light green eyes. Jaymie is the girl who never belonged. She was pushed around a lot by her peers but never cared. She would stand up for herself until that started making things worse. She only had two close friends, Arianna and Jackson. But during the summer a car accident leaves her paralyzed from the waist down. She tries hard convincing her family she's fine but the fact she no longer can walk affects her more then she lets on. The rest of the summer she mostly spends hiding away from the world and her friends. Jackson and Arianna give up trying to get a hold of her and basically completely turn against her. The only person left is her brother Jackson. So in essence, she hides her emotions, tries to convince people she doesn't need help even when she does, Has pretty low self-esteem, and also suffers from anxiety since the crash. Mostly when she has to ride in a car. So she takes anti-anxiety pills. She doesn't want anyone to know about it because she feels like the less people know about her the better.

Austin- Jaymie's 17 year old brother. He looks a lot like Jamie as far as hair and eye color. His hair has a tint of blonde from his dad. His social status is a lot different from Jaymie's. He plays basketball and a wide range of friends but is actually very caring about Jayme. Though sometimes he is a bit rough around the edges, he is sometimes a little protective over Jaymie. Family is his number one thing, and even suggests quitting the basketball team so he can drive Jaymie home after school. School on the other hand, isn't his strong point. He's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer but, his hearts in the right place.

Arianna- She used to be Jaymie's best friend. She not exactly the greatest influence. She does drugs sometimes, she has a perverted sense of humor and is proud of it, and she also had her bi-curious stage. She has no limits. She also is a former emo. Until her mom remarries the cheerleaders father. She's still her obnoxious, shameless self but now that her sister is the gorgeous, high status, Aubrey. She has an all-access pass into popularity. At first she considered staying on Jaymie's side but after two months of no contact she figured it wasn't worth it.

Alex- Alex is like a male version of Arianna. No boundaries, or at least that's what he leads on. He finds sports overrated, and he leads his own path. He's also pretty shameless but deep down he has a heart. He has limits. But He really never had to reach those limits until Jaymie returns. She's like one big target to Alex's friends and so he has to chose what's more important to him. His friends' respect for him or his respect for himself. His social status is one all his own. People don't question him because they know he would kick their butt. But inside the rock hard exterior lays a soft spot for Jaymie. Maybe because he can relate. He also has a secret. He as dark black hair, pretty light skin, and dark blue eyes.

P.s. What should the last characters name be? I might keep it Alex, or change it. Would Asher be a cool name based on his description? Haha I kind of like it. So good characters? Asher or Alex?

P.S.S Do any of these characters sound like mary-sues or anything?