Do testosterone injections stop natural puberty for a growing boy?


May 17, 2008
My son got testosterone when he was about 10, the doctors said that his levels were below what they should have been. So he started taking the injections, then they switched him over to some gel to rub on his skin. After a few months, his voice started changing, he was growing hair on his legs. Now, my son is 14 and when he was about 12, we switched him over to a different doctor because the one he was going to shut down. The new doctor immediately took him off of the gel. He sent my son to some specialists to do some tests on his levels. My son recently came to me and told me that his genitals have not grown any, he also said that he wasn't growing hair under his arms. The doctor that took him off said that he was most likely just a late bloomer, and that he would have never put him on it or even thought about it. Does anyone know if by my son getting put on the medicine for testosterone, and not finishing what he should have, is he still going to go through his actual stage of puberty later on in life, to where he can continue to develop, or is he done?