Do most gay men want you to know? How do you feel when we gays introduce...


May 13, 2008
...ourselves as homosexuals? Do you agree that most gay men are not afraid or ashamed to tell others that they are homosexual and in fact want others to know? As a homosexual I get excited when I reveal my sexuality to others. I want people to know that I'm gay and I even go out of my way to make it obvious sometimes. For instance instead of buying gay and lesbian magazines online where I can be anonymous, I like to go into bookstores and buy homosexual magazines and literature in person. I want whoever I'm buying them from to assume that I'm a homosexual because I am. I want to put a face to my sexuality--my face. I want when I walk into the bookstore the next time that the cashiers recognize my face and know that I'm gay. Sometimes I even introduce myself and the first thing I say is "I am a homosexual" before asking whatever questions I have about books and where to find them. I do it because it excites me (and sometimes turns me on) to publicly and without shame acknowledge my sexual preference. I also do it to increase visibility for other homosexuals like myself who might be nervous to walk up to the counter to buy a gay book or magazine.

Do you think that most "real" gay men are not afraid to reveal their sexuality to others and even want others to know about it? How do you feel about gay men who introduce themselves as homosexuals in conversation? Has anyone ever done this to you? Also how do you feel about the increasing number of openly gay men who have proudly joined the homosexual community and no longer hide their sexuality?
If the topic doesn't come up in conversation I find it rather pointless. It's not like I'm going to think any less of the person if they are gay. But I don't go around saying "Hi, I'm heterosexual" out of nowhere.
I find people stressing and making obvious their homosexuality just as weird (and sometimes as annoying) as people stressing and making obvious their heterosexuality.

Announcing who you like to have sex with is just weird (unless you were asked or you're taking part in some kind of occasion where it would make sense).