Do I have Bell's Palsy?


May 18, 2008
More than six months ago I started to notice that the right side of my face appears more toned than the left side. I attributed this to the fact that I had developed a habit of half-smiling, mainly with that side of my face. Now being informed about the disorder known as Bell's Palsy, I wonder if this half-smiling too is a symptom. I CAN smile fully and use both sides of my face, however there seems to be more of a "pull" on the right side; in other words I can feel the muscles working on the right side more than I can on the left side. Also, my right eye seems to be slightly higher and more open than my left eye. Does this sound like Bell's Palsy? I don't remember any other associated symptoms, i.e. earaches, drooling, teary eye, etc. although sometimes I get eye twitches (but these occur on both sides). However, I wasn't aware of Bell's Palsy for much of the time, so I may have disregarded other symptoms, not knowing they were related. I do get cold sores on occasion, which I heard could be a factor? Is it possible I have Bell's Palsy, or is this just puberty taking its toll? (I'm sixteen, by the way.)