Do gravity interaction, and quantum entanglement interaction, travel faster...


New member
Nov 23, 2011
...than the speed of light? It seems to me that the phrase "speed of light" is misleading. A better phrase - "speed of transfer of information and control" - is far more descriptive of how the universe keeps itself integrated.

At Time Zero imagine two planets that are non-existent. At Time Plus One imagine that these planets then instantly exist and are separated by some distance. How long is it, timewise, before they attract each other due to gravity? In other words how fast does gravitational information between them and the subsequent control travel? Is the speed of transfer of information and control for gravity infinite?

If two particles of a quantum entangled pair transfer information and control by spooky "telepathic empathy", how fast does this telepathic interchange travel? Recently scientists separated a quantum pair by several miles and they still performed in lock step with each other. How fast did the information and control communication between the two particles travel?