Dipping, Nicotine Withdrawl :((((? please help!!!!?


New member
Oct 17, 2012
hey guys, ok so anyways i've been dipping for about a year, but before i always hated it and now i cant stop, i go through about a half a tin a day at least, but i know if i had money i'd be doing about 2,(i have 1 in right now lol) but the fact is i know i dont want to be doing it all my life, and am going to have to face the fact that im gonna have to quit eventually, but its really hard i know this because i went without it for like 2 weeks and was really depressed :(, it helps me get throught the day and relieves stress from a hard day at school, i want to know whats the best way to help quit, and would prefer someone with exp that quit if possible, i deffinatly cannot quit cold turkey, i just dont have the will power right now, can someone help me, and tell me how they coped with the nicotine withdrawl thanks :)