Did you watch the election on CNN, NBC, or MNBC. Or which individual

I was in the car for much of it as driving around to various precincts and switched between conservative station airing fox statistic and progressive radio they had locals on talking election results nationally and locally.

When got home I went to tv but since I am too poor for cable, only could get abc,nbs and cbs so alternated those

since I love politics today I wish I had cable as sure it is till on somewhere but here it all shut down right after Obama's speech
Switched back and forth between Fox, CNN and msnbc. I like to see what each is saying because we all know they swing one way our the other.
MSNBC...I like Ed Shultz, Chris Matthews and Laurence O'Donnell. I've learned a lot over the years watching MSNBC. Ed Shultz covered the latest Bain outsourcing of jobs. A lot of what they cover is not in the papers.