Did I eat healthy today? Easy 10 points!!!?


Apr 5, 2008
okay did I eat healthy enough to MAINTAIN my weight? or did I eat too much? I feel really bloated, please be kind and help me. thanks.
today was my day off from exericse (normally run 6 miles, 200 crunches, pilates toning videos) and the only exercise was walking in the mall for 2.5 hours.

-80 calorie high fiber whole wheat wrap
-60 cals of egg whites
-40 cal dried fruit bag

-80 cal whole wheat wrap with chunk light tuna and sliced tomato
-serving organic pretzels
-one apple, a few strawberries, and a little cantaloupe
-celery sticks and a few baby carrots

-45 calorie fruit leather

-1 cup whole wheat organic pasta
-80 cal grilled chicken patty
-2 cups steamed broccoli
-small apple, 5 inch banana, and a few cubes of cantaloupe

and for dessert I was going to have one 100 calorie vitatop.

this is a total of about 1430 calories for the day.
is this healthy? or too much for a day of no exercise?
will i gain weight?

thanks im 17, 5'5'', and 105 lbs
yes you did! you had a good amount of fruits and vegetables and protein. good job. If you want to know how many if your eating healthy or not, or if you'd like a daily eating plan then try this website out. Its great! They give you options based on how your trying to eat (ie;low carb, low fat, etc). It worked great for me. They even give you food options with the recipes. =]