Death penalty

I'm for the death penalty, but only if the method of execution is funny. Hanging, electrocution or lethal injection just don't do it for me. We need more hilarious booby traps and ten-foot mickey mice as executioners.
Certain war crimes I think I'd like to see it brought back for but its an impossible thing to regulate and assign blame. For example the Mei Ling massacre or the Rape of Nanking were things I would of liked to see people swing for especially in light of how crap military trials are. I think the international criminal court should have the option for crimes against humanity suspects though. The people tried for that sort of thing go beyond your average nutter going on a shooting spree or some kid who was abused by his parents looking at kiddie porn.

The nazi ones actually tough for me. I won't pretend elements of the nazi's weren't complete bastards (SS for example) but in the same way I can empathise to a degree with a child abuser who was molested himself, I can appreciate there was quite a bit of propoganda and "brain washing" involved under the nazi regime.
Seriously, the death penalty could only be 'fair' if you are 100% certain that the accused is guilty. But how often would we ever be genuinely 100% certain? Very, very, rarely.
Also a good number do eventually get some sense and serve as positive role models for young inmates that can still be reached.

Of course you will have your animals that can't and won't be reformed. That's a given. That to me doesn't justify having a death penalty in place still. Put them to work and make them productive to hopefully make back some of that money we put into them.

The bottom line for me always comes back to this. Too many times innocent people have been put on death row. And often for the most backwards and seemingly impossible reasons. You hear new stories about this sort of thing almost daily it seems like.

As for money, it's expensive to put someone thru an appeals process that is to be put to death. Figures vary, but it is nearly as expensive as housing someone for life. The DPIC link I put up has a section on that. And every other aspect of the issue. Check it out.
I believe a society should take any necessary measure to protect itself. It should not have a death penalty for any crime, however for the protection of the society it should be prepared to execute those who threaten it.

The Bear.
I'm all for death penalty, but only in the case of the worst murders.
For example, Andres Breveik, guy responsible for recent Norway shootings and bombing. Another one that comes to mind is Charless Manson. Guy should've been shot point blank instead of being put in jail so others can idolize him.


But then the same society that's trying to punish them still has to pay for those people to be kept in jails...
Personally I'm in favor of expanding the death penalty. Texas has a 'multi-witness' clause that says you go to the front of the line if condemned. I also feel that other crimes like some instances of rape and many crimes against children should be a capital crime.

As for it being a deterrent, maybe if it wasn't so 'sanitized'; hidden behind brick walls, relatively painless, it might be more of a deterrent.

That said, I think there are some people who simply should not be allowed to exist on this earth. Imagine if Hitler or Stalin (pick your bad guy) had been allowed to sit in jail for 30 years while all those who suffered knew they were paying for their upkeep. The Jeffrey Dahmers of the world simply should not have a right to live after committing the horrors they put upon the world.
This is similar to my opinion. I don't support death penalty. I don't however know if my belief is firm when I am encountered with that situation, and I can't even begin to understand what some of the victims and their friends and family have been through. At the very best, I would take it case-by-case.
"allowing them to sit in jail is tame". try "letting them free and hiring some of them", like they did with the japanese "doctors" of unit 731, which you should not google, because sensibilities would be offended BADLY, innocence would be lost, and vomit would spew forth in great quantities*.

*courtesy of humanity's pathological inability to not google stuff they shouldn't google. SERIOUSLY.

oh, and hitler and stalin just gave orders. evil orders, yes, but the greater evil is in those who carried them out willingly (not referring to the "just executing orders" types, like, say, the grunts of the wehrmacht, or the ppl that were pissing themselves in fear for their own lives. i mean the ACTUAL inhuman sadists). i'd kill mengele or ishii WAY before i even thought of getting to hitler or stalin. preferably slowly, publicly and messily.
As others have said, it is the chance that you will get the wrong person that is the worst thing about the DP. Unless you are caught in the middle of a crime, like say a mass shooting/raping children etc and you brought them in without killing, then it is too big a risk.

I do think that criminals should be made to labour for the betterment of society, whether it is out in chain gangs cleaning up dirty rivers, or just making things that can be sold as long as it is something to give back to the world.
What about the people who would otherwise make a living doing those jobs? Should they be paid from the proceeds that the prisoners would make?
I think the worst thing about the DP is that it panders to our base instincts for revenge and retribution. We are better than that. Or at least we should be. Governments shouldn't drop to our lowest instincts but instead raise us to be better morally.
That's what I think anyway.
That or we can just kill people because they cost money to keep alive?
The federal government does worse things than the death penalty to some prisoners. I would rather die
I doubt if there are enough people being paid to clean up rivers and roadside rubbish that getting prisoners to do that work is going to be a problem. As for making things, I don't know, do people sell things to homeless shelters or is it all just donations?
Since I remember reading it before and have no interest in re-reading stuff about children's skin being used to make lampshades can you remind me if the tests they did there actually turned out to be pretty useful? I'm pretty sure some of them ended up being given jobs in America and whatnot just because what they'd learnt by having no morals was too important to ignore?