Death in Dreams


New member
Feb 29, 2008
How many of you guys and girls have had the pleasant experience of dying in a dream, but as you do right at that moment you wake up?

Weird feeling, i had one last night. I was in a ambulance, i was in the passenger seat and we were racing to save someone, then a car pulled out and i knew i was going to die, the ambulance hit the car, i flew forward into the screen. At the moment before impact i put my arms out and kind of thought to myself in terror going to die in a second but ill try everything to stop it. then the impact like i said i smashed into the screen, a split second after i didn’t feel right, but i thought "im still alive" then i had a weird feeling like something was wrong, i could taste blood and my head started to swell. Then i started to drift then i thought "oh no, im dying, this is it" and as i drifted off i woke up!

It was the strangest feeling; it was one of those dreams that feel’s crystal clear. Never had one like that before. It almost feels like i have had the experience of what it feels like to die. Strange how you always seem to wake up just when your dying!
Anyway, sorry for that i just needed to tell someone!
I have died twice in a dream.

On I was in a cafe with my mum and I got lost. A crap cafe that sells cheap orange juice and instant coffee. I was chained to a motorbike by edward scissor hands, covered in petrol, then lit on fire and revved into a brick wall. I woke up screaming "am I dead am I alive"

The other dream were I died. A man chained me to a hospital bed and took all my skin off. I was still alive after that. Then he took out my organs I died soon after that. This time when I woke I thought hmm is this the afterworld then i realised it wasn't.
I've died a few times in dreams. I can particularly remember dying in a plane crash and being stabbed. Both times I ended up lying on the floor dying, then eventually being surprised that I couldn't feel and pain and was still conscious.
For me its usually falling from a great height and I wake up with a start on impact. However, in my recollection I had one dream where I fell a great distance and landed but, didn't wake and one where I died and didn't wake.

The first I was in a vast and barren wasteland. I came upon a castle/fort on a tall pillar of rock. It was surrounded by a very deep chasm that completely encircled the castle. The bottom of the chasm was covered entirely in smooth round rocks the size of a grapefruit. A single natural bridge of rock connected the pillar with the surrounding land. It was quite narrow, smooth and rounded by natural erosion of wind and water. Midway across I lost my footing due to some heavy wind and fell grasping the bridge but was unable to hold on due to its highly polished surface. I fell some 100+ feet to the floor below and both of my legs shattered on impact. There I sat unable to move.

The second I was in some non-descript city at night and as I walked past a dark alley someone called my name. As I turned to look into the alley I was shot in the stomach. As I lay on the ground bleeding to death all of my family and friends stood around me looking down but not saying anything. After a few moments things went dark then I was looking down upon my body on the ground and the people standing around me as I rose in the air.

Both dreams happened a long time ago and both are still very vivid in my memory. They both still kind of creep me out too.
Never died in a dream, but was dying and dreamt that I was living.

Seriously. Internal bleeding, went into shock and dreamt about ordinary every day things. Found it hard to believe that I was dying, when my dreams felt so real.
I once had a dream about doing kata and punched my girlfriend who was asleep next to me. I barely survived that one!
I had an ex headbutt me square in the shoulder blades once. Allegedly he was playing football. I think he just wanted to headbutt me.

I don't recall ever dying in my sleep, I am usually the witty heroin that comes and saves the day or something similar. I do regularly have the falling dream though.
I did a teep in my sleep once. My ex flew out of the bed.....It freaked me out for a while. (she wasn't pregnant but what if she was? kinda thinking).

I had death dreams earlier in my life, about teenage years i think. But none since. Although I do have one re-occuring dream which may count as a death dream.

I'm asleep in the bed which I am sleeping in at the time, (my own room, friend's place, hotel room)..I wake to find I cant move and I see a snake slither up from under the bed and bite my hand.
As soon as it bites I sit up holding my hand and I realise I'm a awake after about a minute.
I've had 2 experiences which were slightly out of the ordinary.
The only dream i've ever had where I fell to my death, my brain seemed to kick in and go "helicopters don't turn into slippy chairs that are the size of houses" and instead of hitting the floor I fell through it, there was some more brief dreaming then i woke up. But not with the normal jolt, just the regular opening eyes kind of wake up.
The other one was being engulfed in a fireball by Angel (from the Buffy series) and i was turned to ash. But I came back as a ghost, which is odd and not techincally death i suppose.
I've had quite a few dreams where my body has "bailed out" of the dream slightly pre-death though.
I have had the falling death dream, and the drowning dream, and the having been beaten up also stabbed and than dieing from some other thing like drowning.

I think Jung says allot about the dream thing and defines what the dreams mean. He was the physiologist for Freud(sp?), you know he is one of the Vienna seven. Anyway my point is he studied dreams from patients all over the world, read what he think about it. Jung, dang it what is his first name. I want to say his first name is Carl.
Don't think I've ever died in a dream, suffered from sleep paralysis and I was once torn in half by the kracken from "Clash of the Titans" in a dream.

That latter one was particularly stupid as I didn't die, wasn't in pain and was merely peed off at worse...
I died once in a dream and credits started rolling and the image of me began panning away like a movie, really freaking dream.
HAHA! so did you wake up to the movie? Or did it just end.

I had a dream once that was about real life I saw my eye get damaged at first I thought it was a gun shot. In the dream I had a friend handed me a 22 pistol and the next part of the dream I see something hit my eye. The thing is in reality it looked exactly like the dream, it was a few minutes after holding the gun in reality holding a kicking shield the corner hit me in the eye when someone kicked the shield. The shield caved in my eye. It turned out all right though.
I have had the occasional falling dream but wake up in time,usually with a jolt.Worse are the dreams I have had where a loved one has died and I wake up crying