Day Note: Car Toys



To: Ash
From: Crecente
I splurged over the weekend and bought a in-dash GPS, Sirius, DVD, CD, iPod radio for the van. I like gadgets, what can I say. I went to this place called Car Toys figuring that since that is all they do, they'd do a great job with the install. Boy was I wrong. After taking seven hours instead of three to install it I got it back only to discover that the only thing that worked was the radio and GPS. Another trip and a bit of yelling got almost everything fixed. Yeah, that was a weekend well spent.
What you missed:
ESRB's getting uppity
Thief, Hitman, Bloodrayne coming to GameTap
Only 150 people got this E3 event invite
I really need to play EVE
Look, I played with LEGOs
The site's backend was down for several hours today, meaning we were a little lighter than usually on updates. So I pushed back my NetDevil feature and Warmonger impressions till tomorrow. E3 is only 15 or so days away. Can't... Wait!
