Date a girl the "old fashioned way"?


New member
Jan 21, 2011
If you love your best friend and think you might have a good romantic relationship but want to be careful about keeping the friendship together should you date differently then most high schoolers? As in like ask her to go to dinner a few times and if naturally we start getting romantic then go for it? Instead of straight up asking out? So is it better to just see if at dinner we start "clicking" than asking out? Tips?
If she's your friend, then definitely go bold. Ask her out, officially. You don't want to get into the hazy area of friendship. You want to make it clear that you want to go on a date with her, as more than friends. If she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to. Doesn't mean you still can't be friends. Just be very clear with her when you ask her out.

Best wishes.