Damn Eskimos


New member
Apr 7, 2008
Well a couple of weeks ago I met this very cute girl. For confidential purposes ill give her a fake name, Mia. Mia was a very attractive girl. We met back at a bar a few weeks ago and really got to know each other. Well we've kind of been going on dates since but haven't made our relationship official. Well some critical info which will explain some things later on is that she broke a couple of bones in her leg a week ago and was put into a cast and is on crutches. Well one night I went over her house to see how she was and to give her flowers. Well I walk into her house and her parents are playing Nintendo;s legendary game, Iceclimbers. Anyways I go into her room and she is on the bed wearing only a bra and a thong. Immediately I pounce on her like she was my prey and punch her rapidly in the face. She trys to roll off the bed and succeeds. She screams for help and trys to run but with her broken leg its nearly impossible. I throw a kfc thigh bone into the back of her head which makes her fall and I continue to choke and punch her until she expired, then I get to business. I'm coming close to cumming in her dead body when an eskimo jumps through the window and throws an ice block at me and knocks me out. This particular eskimo was one of the two ice climbers from Nintendo's legendary game. I wake up in an interrogation office and confess to everything. I am now posting from my jail cell with a computer I made out of a dead african-american male.

Catwomen gave me some pussy