Cybernation V5.0

I just hit 2,000 NS. Is it safe to start attacking people who are inactive yet? Should i wait till i have more NS?
Ok so i attacked this nation and it says...

You cannot attack at this time because their battle odds are at 4% and are not high enough to fight your forces. Their government has just been sent into Anarchy due to their lack of security forces. Riots engulf the nation of Marcopolis as your soldiers relax and enjoy their victory.

So basically i am not going to lose any soldiers and just win this war as of right now? I rather just be attacking..what can i do?
OMG I NEED MARBLE AND ALUMINUM. I lost construction and beer. Im settling for marble/gold. But i don't have beer or construction.
Nobody responded to my nationsitting thread on the IRON forums. :(

I'm going to Greece for 2 weeks, how long can you stay inactive before your nation gets deleted?
So how much do you need for the 2999.99 infra jump?

And croix. I dont know if you can check, but did a Abledpilot. Nation name: Bavastia join your alliance? If so he's a rogue.
I'm a Legion official
The armed forces of GreeceLightning are overly strong. This is making your population a bit uncomfortable

what affects this? just soldier count? tanks, aircraft and cruisemissles as well??

Im willing to trade some tanks soldiers and cruisemissles for infrastructure land or tech...anyone interested??