Cybernation V5.0

I went the factories route the first time I built my nation. After getting ZI'ed and being forced to ditch my factories by NPO's surrender terms. I put priority on schools/universities for more income, and I like it much better. Factories were awesome for rebuilding though.

0-1500 infra in 2 weeks :D

I finally maxed out on stadiums, banks, factories... Now im working on schools and uni's... Actually i maxed out on them a while ago.
Is there anyone I can trust in here to watch my nation for a few weeks while I'm gone? I'll be in Spain for 22 days, and I think they delete your nation if it's inactive for 15 days, so I need someone to collect my taxes and pay bills once halfway through my vacation. I will also pay money on CN.

I'll pay 300k, since all you have to do is collect taxes once.
I can do it if you leave after June 30th. I could collect taxes everyday and such if you wish. I'll do it for free since the aid slot is worth more to me than 300k. Also nations are deleted on the 20th day of inactivity.
If you request it through the nationsitting thread then you won't get deleted. I have a dynamic ip anyway.
After the war ended, I had a few hundred thousand dollars left in my warchest, which I was using solely to pay my bills so I could keep launching attacks. I used that to buy ~2-300 infra from ZI. Then I came out of anarchy and collected 11 daysish of taxes which got me almost up to the 999.99 barrier.
jsut spent a shitload again. new stats

Nation Strength: 5,227.927
Technology: 92.18
Infrastructure: 926.29
and i bought some badass planes for no dam reason
Oh yeah, I'm the Jason8. And yeah, \m/'s official channel is on ZiRC. So that makes me hang out there :)

And yeah, I've seen people hit 3000 infra in three weeks without recieving any aid.

And here's my nation stats:
Nation Strength: 25,700.404
Infrastructure: 2,485.99
Technology: 576.88

Not THAT bad, but it could be better. I keep sending aid off to other \m/ members who are in nuclear anarchy so they can pay bills and continue fighting. Well, that and I'm trying to maintain a $12 million war chest so when I do get nuked, I can still fight in nuclear anarchy. Nuclear war is fun!

And I just did a quick Google search, and I saw you guys talking about MVP going rogue on me! It was epic!
