Cute texting signature!!!!?

a qoute

if u like science humor you can put N=eed A=nother S=even A=stronauts

because of the challenger accident caused by a thing not exspandeing and nasa's greediness for money and acting like little bratz...
i alwayz have new onez but here r some:

<my heart sings 4 yew>
<i think ov yew 2 much>
<callmiicrazy...but dey nevr understand>
[lOvE mE LoVe Me]
its a song by justin bieber if u like him.... or mines as of right now is [bieber<3fever<3]
<gOd mAde hIm tHn hE mAdE mE..... ThN hE wIsPereD MenT 2 b>

mines is &-*i&M=tRU<3:)
these are muh old ones:
iPROMiSE 2<3U*
aka EYiShAbEW

Mine is <3Wo ie ni<3
It means I love you in china. I like to put hearts around my signitures. I think it adds effect.
if your a girl and you need a good one for your boyfriend what should it be
Love and heartbreak </3

When your in Love U cant fall asleep becaused reality is better than your dreamss...
Love begins with a smile :), grows with a kiss <3, and ends with a teardrop :'(
U think love is a word in the sky, but i believe that it means that i truly do love u <3
Hope this helps :)
text signitures

_ _ _+_ _ _" LUV
forever and always babe
we'll make it
ill always love you
I LOVE ______!!!
Signature Name

My signature is:


Its funny and it gets rude popular people of your back ;)
It really works!
sigs 4 u:)help me out 2:)

i need 1 but here r some i've had:
*(first 3 letters)y:)*
Sig Names

Sometimes Songs Are Easy To Use Like Youre Favorite One Or How You Feel. Or Some Others Are Like Or A Celeb Crush Like Eminem<3:)
-All I Need Is You<3
-Baby You're My Everything.<3
-Me+You=All Night Long<3(;
-Take The Pieces</3