Crest White Strips


May 17, 2008

Does anyone use these?? or another form of the whitening strips? i just baught some and did my first 30 mins.. In my opinion they feel wierd as shit when their on you.. And it was hard wearing them the fool time cuz i didnt want to do anything but keep my mouth open and let the shit work..

soooooooooooooooooooo.. do you use em? and any tips on wearing them// what should or shouldnt be done while they are in your mouth..

serious thread plz :ugh: :tup:
i wear them. I hate the shit they leave on your teeth when you take them off. Thier all slimey and shit
i used them for awhile.

But my teeth got sensitive and it felt like someone was drilling into my teeth so i stopped. They work good though.

I felt the same way when i was using them, i didnt want to swallow any of the chemicals or anything, so i basically sat with my mouth open while doing something that kills time fast, such as playing a game or something.
They work great but like Taco said, they leave slimey shit on your teeth right after you use them.
Because it takes all the enamel and such off. I used one cycle of them some time ago, then the next time I went to the dentist she was like, "have you used whitestrips or something? Because they're screwing up your teeth"
Sorry I tried comprehending your post, but the severe amount of douche bag coating it made it difficult.

They don't make your teeth look fake in any way and the results aren't going to be "ZOMG!," but they do work quite well. Just get past the 10 days or however long you're taking them and the difference will be noticeable and worth the purchase. :tup:
Even if you brush your teeth twice a day they still get stained very easily. My teeth are healthy as can be (or so said the dentist) but they aren't the whitest. Stop and think before you post. You are getting good at making yourself look like a douche.

just cause you brush twice a day doesnt mean your teeth are going to white. they do get stained, and genetics also play into it. i could brush my teeth 4000 times a day, but because both sides of my family have a record of yellowish teeth, mine will always be a tad yellow.
Same. My teeth are healthy, but they stain easily and could use some whitening. I've been thinking of trying these for a while but wasn't sure if they were worth it or if they were healthy or safe or w/e. Might end up giving em a try sometime.