
No, we haven't declared a war since World War 2. Consult anyone that is learned in this subject, or Google it.
Every country has good and bad points. I think that the bashing of america comes from the fact that we're supposed to be "above" those that do the beheading and torturing. We were caught, now we must fess up and admit what was done. Right or wrong, if someone captured my brother and beheaded him simply for being in your country and because of his nationality, I think being stripped naked and having sleep deprivation would be the least of his worries.
Check my thread above...they've got another hostage.

only this time it's not an American but my fellow countryman.
I thought the USA declared war on terrorism.

Your right Iraq it wasnt war it was a mission
OK, this comment, along with several made by Tireces on other threads concern me no end.

Most of you will have seen me take a stand on TMA bashing, especially coming from an unimformed standpoint.

I feel the same way about the Anti-American sentiments getting floated around the forum.

This has reached the point where members are becoming upset, so unless these types of discussion can be carried out without being disrespectful to each other, they will be locked down before they even begin in future.

If you have something useful to contribute to a discussion, do it in a respectful manner.
If you don't, then shut up!

It's one thing to tease each other about which nations leader has the lower IQ, it's quite another to be labelling a country containing millions of people you have never met as evil or misguided or whatever.

You guys have my hackles up, and I assure you I'll be watching these threads very closely!

P.S. Last I heard, there were British Troops and Civilians over there too!
Now I dont condone any of the brutal actions that are carried out by terrorists. But we have to understand

"one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter"

Peace will not be achieved without negotiation and it will not be achieved by interrogation.

Just a question dont the Saudi's behead serious criminals???

ps I dont do nation bashing well except for the English football team
Yeah, and that's the current problem with the way Bush is thinking. He wants to totally eliminate all oposition, or he won't be happy. That's impossible, obviously, so we will see many more people die.

i just want to get this from a neutral perspective. is blair said to be "leading the war against terror" in the uk as bush is in america?
yep, well thats US news for you. We hear about the stuff like what the american troops did to the prisoners because of the news, they make it so big, i really could care less about what they did to those prisoners, but news knows that there are so many people sittin on there butts watching t.v. saying, oh damn those soldiers, arg they think they can do whatever they want. that brings in money. I think that me not being able to choose if i want eggo's or egg's in the morning is a bigger dilemna than soldiers mistreating iraqi prisoners. But noone wants to hear about my breakfast so, the news doesnt come to watch me eat.

It's all about the long term benefit to humanity.
Thoughts of support for his position and the UK economy have never entered his mind.
English football team? You mean, soccer? or actual american football, cuz were the best at that. but i dont like soccer so i dont care if you bash that. heheh.
No, I dont mean soccer I mean "Football" you know the game where you actually use your feet to kick a ball.

Anyways American football stole the term Football even though they have the ball in hand most of the game and kick the ball every once in a while. It should have been called American Rugby or something along those lines IMO
I cant believe half of this crap on here bashing America and some seem to condone terrorism! The original posting was correct, there is more outrage by the media of the Abu Grhaib prisoners than there is of innocent civilians having their heads sawed off, whether they are doing it for a buck or not.As for the comment by one forumite that sanctions killed innocent Iraqi's, get your facts right pal, it was Saddam Hussein who siphoned off money and medicine meant for the Iraqi people and NOT the sanctions.Don't you people realise that these radical muslims would like to do that to all of us! And yes, where are the so-called moderate muslims condemning these atrocities.
I think you'll find that most moderate (as you put it) muslims are against these actions.

Also I dont recall anyone condoning the terrorist murders

And if you think the tv isnt reporting these atrocities then how come everyone knows about them.

Anyways everyone has a right to bash a country if thats there opinion. Look at Bush hes already bashed countries as being part of a so called axis of evil.
I believe that the reason why the media are all over the US for violating the human rights are that they're supposed to be better. Would you be surprised to find out that a child rapist and murderer abused a choirboy? I do not think so. However, if a catholic priest abused a choirboy, everyone would be up in arms against the catholic church, because when you're a minister in a church, you're supposed to be a guardian of good, moral values. Nobody expects that of a child molesting murderer, hence the outrage. Same with the US, a nation that traditionally has been synonomous with human rights, tolerance and freedom. One doesn't feel surprised to hear that a middle eastern extremist group tortures and maims people, but Uncle Sam should really be above such inhuman actions!
America likes to take the moral high ground. How will it be possible in the future, with American publicity falling lover with the uncovering of each new scandal?
I think the difference is in how the scandals are handled. After entering Iraq, American soldiers have uncovered mass graves for 200,000 + butchered by sadaam's regime (and that's just the ones that have been found so far). The Baathist party hid these atrocities and used them internally as a matter of official policy. On the other hand, there has been no cover-up for prisoner abuse at Abu Graib, and no sanctioning of torture as a matter of policy. The abuses werer found, reported, and are now being prosecuted as criminal acts by the American armed forces, in full light of day. The muslim extremists promote the beheadings of civilians as acceptable, and even commendable. When it comes to condemning prisoner abuse, the Americans are at the head of the parade.

Human beings have shown themselves capable of vile and despicable behavior. The question is how you handle it when (not if) such behavior shows up. Will you deny it exists? Will you make excuses and say it's not so bad when someone on your team breaks the rules? Will you say you think it's wrong? Or will you show you believe it's wrong by your actions and consequences meted out to offenders? The Americans are actively investigating, finding, and punishing those responsible for reprehensible behavior (and even punishing those who weren't aware of it and should have been aware, to help prevent it).

The comment by Mandrake raises a valid point. I'm sure there are moderate muslims against the violence, but by-and-large the leaders in the muslim world have been silent. For anyone who would like some balanced, non-'politically-correct' insight into exactly this issue, please visit , homepage of the Middle East Media Research Institute. This group provides translations of Arabic and Farsi language newspaper and TV reports, editorials, etc., with little or no additional commentary. It provides an incredible view into the mindframe and belief system of the culture in back of the violence, and differing opinions on the legitimacy of terrorist attacks.
Captann, agree with your posting,and have visited memri before. There was a French documentary on Aust tv a few months ago, which traced the early days of Bin Laden,they visited and spoke to Bin's mentor, who is alive and well in Pakistan and spewing out his hatred for the west. They showed a document/proclamation,signed by him, declaring a holy war on all Christians,Jews,Americans and Western society. He has 35,000 young boys in his madras's teaching them radical islam to islamize the whole world, thank God for the likes GW Bush, Tony Blair and our own PM John Howard.
To kiwi ric, maybe u should name a country to restore the global balance of power, maybe Russia? Libya? China? Iran? Indonesia? America has its faults but I would rather America be the super power than any other country,As for Alexxlea, the quicker u go to Canada the better!
I haven't heard anything about Blair, so you can't blame me, blame the US media instead. :p

What's he doing?
