Couldn't a nuclear bomb be driven into Washington DC?


May 17, 2008
I am reading up on the Iranian nuclear situation and one of the things I keep reading is that Iran or other countries may be able to sneak nuclear weapons into vans and bring them to key targets. I couldn't help but wonder if such an event could happen in Washington DC.

Are there any measures in place to prevent this from happening? It seems like such an unacknowledged threat to the US much like how prior to 9/11 cockpits of planes were not noticed as being insecure which led to 9/11.

Could there possibly be radiation detectors around Washington DC to detect any nuclear material entering the US? It seems like this is such a huge threat to the US which is completely ignored. I can imagine a country detonating the bomb with all evidence of who did it being destroyed in the explosion.

If there is no defense measure in place, I can greatly see this being a big threat to the US in the future.

Are there any defense measures in place for this?
Also, oddly, I can't find anything through Google regarding this possible threat. It seems so unacknowledged.