Could you talk through your contractions? How far along?


New member
Jan 3, 2009
I've been having contractions at 2.5 minutes apart for like 6 hours now. I wasn't dilated when I left the hospital, but I know the baby has since then dropped into place and I think I'm all the way thinned out now. As soon as he dropped, the contractions got almost double in strength.

When I left L&D, the contraction machine measured them at halfway on the scale, and I'm positive these are way stronger almost double that! However, I can still talk in a normal voice through them and I can walk and move and I feel fine. I feel extreme tensing of my entire body though.

The nurse at L&D said if I could talk, I must not be in real labor...LOL. However, my friend could talk through hers in transition stage...and my other friend couldn't talk through hers at 2cm! How about you?