Could you suggest some interesting books to me (Bonus Questions)?


New member
Oct 26, 2008
I have come to the realization that I haven't been in love with a series since Harry Potter... and I read those books 3X already. I want a really good series. I have no qualms against long books, just as long as they aren't written by Stephenie Meyer.

Things I DON'T like: books with so much action that there's little character development; books that involve vampires falling in love; books set in crudely imagined futures with plots stolen from Twilight Zone episodes (*cough Uglies series cough*).

What I DO like: A Series of Unfortunate Events; Gothic books (i.e. the Brönte sisters' work); books with dark humor/dry wit; books that pose interesting questions. On the lighter side of things, I also really liked the Gone Series by Michael Grant, so something similar to that would work too.

BQ: Is the Clockwork Angel series any good?

BQ2: Are there any good fiction books set during World War I?
Try to read the books of Ms. Alex Kava. I'm very sure you will like it. Its about solving many criminal crimes. =)