Could this have happened to Christ?


New member
Jul 6, 2008
We all know that Christ was put on trial and was crucified on the cross by Pontius Pilate in the Passion.

However, three days later, he resurrected and returned to life before he ascended to heaven.

However, could people of the future have actually travelled back in time and saved Christ instead? Could a group of researchers have travelled back in time to do research on Christ and decided to save him? Just before Christ was crucified, could they have injected him with vitamins and perhaps steroids to have him withstand the hash conditions he was going through?

Could he have also gone into a coma so that people thought he died? As such, when he "died", he didn't really die. During the three days when he was moved to his tomb, doctors from the future moved into the tomb to save him and revived him? After three days, Christ was strong enough to get up and go back to meet his apostles.

Could he have then go out into the open. There, a flying saucer from the future lifted him up using artificial gravity and into the saucer. After all, it was stated in John, I think, that when Jesus ascended into the skies, a white light opened up and received him.

After that, could he have been taken to India, where he started a new life. After all, some people claimed that someone looking like him appeared in India after his resurrection.

After all, the crucification of Christ was a significant event in Christianity. As such, many people will most certainly want to watch it first hand.
I gotta say, this actually sounds more plausible than the idiotic stories atheists tell to try to ignore the evidence for the resurrection.
Swoon theory, you gotta be kidding!
"We all know that Christ was put on trial and was crucified on the cross by Pontius Pilate in the Passion."

No, we don't.

"However, three days later, he resurrected and returned to life before he ascended to heaven."

No, He didn't. That's just something people want to believe so they don't think of themselves as foolish for worshiping a mere man.

"However, could people of the future have actually travelled back in time and saved Christ instead? Could a group of researchers have travelled back in time to do research on Christ and decided to save him? Just before Christ was crucified, could they have injected him with vitamins and perhaps steroids to have him withstand the hash conditions he was going through?"

No, time travel is not possible, and even if it was, it still would not make fictional characters real.

The simplest and most logical, and therefore the most reasonable and probable, explanation for Jesus is that He was an amalgam of several other deity figures from other earlier religions of the region, like Dionysus, Mithra, Horus, Krishna, and the Buddha, and never actually existed.