Costco/Walmart and Grocery Store Protein Powder vs GNC/Popeyes Protein Powder?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
im going to buy some protein powder soon but i'm debating if I should go for the cheaper 'less pure' protein powder at costco, walmart, and other grocery stores or go for expensive 'pure' protein powder at GNC/Popeyes and other retail supplement stores
Do a little research on the Internet to find a good product. Buying protein from Walmart or Costco is most certainly not a good idea. On the other hand, you would be very mistaken to assume that GNC Brand products are the best. They're not, and they're all very overpriced. Obviously GNC sells more than their own products in their store, but as soon as you walk in there they are going to try and sell you on either their store brand products or some other brand that they have a promotion going with. They are not trainers, dietitians, or experts of any kind. They are salespeople.