Confusing guy ? :-/ help lol ?


New member
Feb 27, 2012
Ok so this guy I like is confusing :-/
I liked him 4 years I never told him I liked him but his friend told me he knows I like him -_-
this guy has never told me he likes me but some how he always complements me :)
It can be little like i like your hair or your hair looks really good something like that (this happens EVERYTIME he sees me)
But today was just a shock
He hugged me and whispered in my ear "you look REALLY good today" I giggled like a 6 year old lol
Could this mean anything :-/ ? It's never gone more then compliments or bothering me for silly things ...
As far as I know he dosnt talk this way to the other girls we are around :-/
The only reason I don't just tell him is 1 I'm shy lol
And 2 we go to the same church -_- so if he says no I'll feel stupid and would not know how to avoid it after lol since I can't just change church lol